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A Snapshot of the New and Developing Medical Schools in the U.S. and Canada (PDF)
Year Published: 2012 |
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- A Snapshot of the New and Developing Medical Schools in the U.S. and Canada (PDF)
This publication helps guide the development of new and growing medical schools based on a study of such institutions titled, “Learning from the Experience of a Consortium of New and Developing Medical Schools.”
A Snapshot of the New and Developing Medical Schools in the U.S. and Canada (PDF)
Year Published: 2012 |
Designed for leaders and thought leaders at new and developing medical schools.
This insightful study explored the experiences of more than 10 new medical schools, including lessons they learned in developing and implementing innovative curricula and their approaches to medical education. The AAMC produced the study and publication through a grant by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation.
The study explored the following questions:
- What unique opportunities are present for a new school versus an established school?
- Given the many calls for medical education reform, what various methods are being used to deliver a four-year curriculum?
- Are there new models for clinical education? If so, what are they?
- Does an integrated approach of basic and clinical sciences improve medical decision-making or retention of basic science knowledge?
What are the best curricular methods to promote lifelong learning, professionalism, and patient centeredness and to decrease medical student and faculty burnout?
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This publication was developed by the AAMC to advance medical education. It is provided to the medical community at no cost for that purpose.
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Number of Pages: 206 | Year Published: 2012 |